In the first 4-year funding period the center will receive more than 9 million Euro. Mannheimer Psychologin Jutta Mata appelliert mit der Nationalakademie Leopoldina für schärfere Corona-Maßnahmen, Virtuelles Auslands­studien­angebot der Europäischen Universität, Herausragende Lehr­leistungen an der Universität Mannheim gewürdigt, CHE-Master­ranking: Mannheimer BWL bundes­weit spitze, Pauschalregel der Novemberhilfe benachteiligt einige stark betroffene Branchen, Wirtschafts­informatik und Wirtschafts­mathematik. Seniorprofessor Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Weber ... Auf einer neuen Webseite informiert die Universität Mannheim ab sofort über ihre aktuellen und geplanten Nachhaltigkeits­maßnahmen. Lukas Trottner, M.Sc. The title of her thesis is: “The Nature of Knowledge Reliance in Source Guessing”. ZEIT ONLINE TECH TALKS. Every fifth student at the university comes from abroad to pursue their bachelor’s or master’s degree, or doctorate in Mannheim. This is not only due to our international range of subjects, but above all to the excellent international contacts that we maintain at all levels. Profile. Universität Mannheim / Sowi / Homepage / News & Media / news. IRTG 1874/2 Medical Faculty Mannheim University Heidelberg Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3 D-68167 Mannheim Phone +49 (0)621/383-71122 Fax +49 (0)621/383-71103 We are very pleased that we will be able to offer the Mathematics Master's degree at our faculty from the spring / summer semester 2021. For more information please read our, Current Information on the Application Process, Your Application for Admission to a Bachelor’s Program, Your Application for Admission to a Master’s Program, Virtual Consulation Hours International Applicants, Advice for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses, Important Dates for International Students, Special Requirements for International Students from Mannheim, Coronavirus: FaQs for International Exchange Students, Program of the Summer and Winter Academies, Introductory Study Abroad Meetings, Receptions, and Events, Coronavirus: FaQs for International Degree Seeking Students, Welcome Center for International Scholars, Guesthouse and International Meeting Center (IBZ), Student Organizations and Departmental Student Committees, Newsletter, publications and social media, Centers, Institutions, Affiliates and Partners, School of Business Informatics and Mathematics, Coronavirus: Current Measures and Recommendations. Die Schließung soll zunächst bis zum 10. Anfahrt; … The Online Information Session takes place on Wednesday, 30.09. , 10:15 – 11:45 CEST. Die Studie beleuchtet auch die Hindernisse bei zwei besonders relevanten Bevölkerungs­gruppen. More information (in German) can be found here. Photo credit: Anna Logue. In order to improve performance and enhance the user experience for the visitors to our website, we use cookies and store anonymous usage data. Insgesamt profitieren in diesem Jahr 14 Postdoktorandinnen und -doktoranden aus Baden-Württemberg von der Förderung der ... Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Verordnung des Landes Baden-Württemberg müssen alle Bibliotheken ab dem 16. Im aktuellen BWL-Forscherranking der Zeitschrift Wirtschafts­woche wird der Mannheimer Marketing-Experte Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Studierende der Universität Mannheim können im Rahmen des Pilot­projekts der Europäischen Universität virtuell an renommierten Universitäten in ganz Europa studieren. Christian Homburg im deutschsprachigen Raum als forschungs­stärkster Wissenschaft­ler in der Kategorie „Lebenswerk“ bewertet. Events for students in Mannheim. Photo credit: Anna Logue Europa macht Schule - Promote European unity. Possible causes are: Please try our search to quickly find the content you are looking for: Tracking cookies are currently not allowed. PhD-Student. We congratulate Prof. Goran Glavaš for getting funding for his research project "Willingness and Capacity for EU Policy Action in Turbulent Times: Conflicts, Positions and Outcomes" within the EU research program "NORFACE Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age". Let’s stay connected – be the first to know about events, workshops, job and internship offers for students, prospective students and alumni. Dezember 2020 schließen. Using data from a face-t Coronavirus: FaQs for International Exchange Students; Applying as an Exchange Student; Entry and Insurance; Housing; Courses. Fall term 2020/2021; Spring term 2020; Program of the Summer and Winter Academies; Courses on German Language and Culture; Welcome Week . Forschung zu Corona; Politische Ökonomie; Accounting for Transparency. News-Archiv 1; 2 » The new Mathematics Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Business Informatics and Business Mathematics will start in FSS 2021 . 35 were here. Coronavirus: FaQs for International Exchange Students; Applying as an Exchange Student; Entry and Insurance; Housing; Courses. Kommunikation ist Trumpf! In der aktuellen Studierenden­befragung für das Master­ranking des Centrums für Hochschul­entwicklung (CHE) erreicht die Mannheimer BWL in allen Kategorien die Spitzen­gruppe. PhD Student. The Research Training Group offers a student assistant position (20 - 40 hours per month) in Mannheim. Coming to Mannheim. Our cooperations with numerous attractive partner universities and flexible degree plans enable all students to spend part of their studies abroad. The University of Mannheim is proud to host the 44th EFA Annual Meeting, taking place on August 23-26, 2017. Participate in the project "Europa macht Schule" and live the European idea. Research on the social effects of artificial intelligence funded with 850,000 euros . Das ... Um unsere Webseite für Sie optimal zu gestalten und fortlaufend verbessern zu können, verwenden wir Cookies und speichern anonyme Nutzungs­daten. Mannheim Business School; Kinder-Uni; Gasthörer- und Seniorenstudium. all news. Photo credit: Anna Logue Europa macht Schule - Promote European unity. We take an international approach to studying, researching and teaching! Application period: 09th November to 30th November 2020 . The Online Information Session takes place on Thursday, 24.09. , 17:15 – 18:45 CEST. In the second week of June we will inform you by e-mail whether you have received a seminar spot. Spokesperson … Warum wird die Corona-Warn-App so wenig genutzt? News News Registration for the seminar in Fall Semester 2020/2021 To register for the next ... (at) by Friday, the 5 th June 2020. +++++ The qualification program for the fall winter 2020/21 semester in available here. Bibliothek schließt ab sofort bis einschließlich 10.1. The School distinguishes itself by its close links both between the subjects and with the other schools at the University of Mannheim. Our innovative teaching methods and consistent quality management contribute to the best academic conditions. The University of Mannheim attracts students from all over the world. Sabine Carey presented initial insights from a joint project with Jürgen Brandsch at the School of Global & Public Affairs at IE Madrid on 4 December 2020. The project evaluates how borderization affects individuals’ perceptions of their personal security. Best PhD Paper Award at the 25th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association received by Pavel Lesnevski News The new Mathematics Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Business Informatics and Business Mathematics will start in FSS 2021. Neuer Abteilungsvorstand im Amt. Regular news right to your inbox - the email newsletters for students, prospective students and alumni. University of Mannheim Abteilung Rechtswissenschaft Schloss Westflügel – Room W 218 68161 Mannheim We are sorry we cound not find the requested page. On Friday, May 29, 2020, Liliane Wulff, CDSS doctoral student and research assistant at the Chair of Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Aging, successfully defended her dissertation. Universität Mannheim / Sowi / Eitm / english / News 2020 EITM Europe summer institute postponed to 2021! The German Research Association (DFG) will fund the Collaborative Research Center „Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges: Equality of Opportunity, Market Regulation, and Financial Stability“ comprising researchers from Bonn and Mannheim starting January 2018. Viele Unternehmen gerade in diesen Branchen haben wenig flexible Kostenstrukturen und werden durch eine Pauschalregel eher benachteiligt. News News 1; 2; 3 » Chair of Production Management Introduction Session on September 30th. Crowdsourcing Stadtgeschichte; Forschung Forschungs­profil. E-Mail: Dr. Sam Baguley, M.Sc. Juniorprofessor Dr. David Johannes Prömel und Dr. Ruben Bach waren erfolgreich bei der Bewerbung um die Aufnahme in das begehrte Elite­programm der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. Chair of Political Science, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences Route planner. News; Exchange Students. Chair of Political Science, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences . News News Photo credit: Beatrice Kuhlmann Successful dissertation defense of Liliane Wulff. University of Mannheim Institut für Mathematik B6, 26 – Room B 3.20 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2622 E-mail: sbaguley(at) Januar 2021 dauern. Application period: 09th November to 30th November 2020. Abonnieren Sie unseren Newsletter. Wirtschafts­woche Ranking: Professor Homburg ist forschungs­stärkster Betriebs­wirt in der Kategorie „Lebenswerk“ / Doppelsieg für Mannheimer Wissenschaft­ler, Neue Webseite informiert über Nachhaltigkeits­strategie der Universität. Sie wollen Neuigkeiten der Universität Mannheim regelmäßig per E-Mail erhalten? Ob die 75-Prozent-Pauschale der Novemberhilfe des Bundes das Überleben von Unternehmen sichern kann, ist in den stark betroffenen Branchen vielfach fraglich. In die Veröffentlichung der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina vom 8. News from the General Students' Committee (AStA). If the number of registrations exceeds the seminar capacity, the seminar places will be drawn by lot. Auch die Ausleihe von Büchern ist in dieser Zeit nicht erlaubt. News News 1; 2; 3 » Sabine Carey presented initial insights from survey on perceptions of security in Georgia. Please have a look at our news-archive or event-archive, if you are looking for past announcements. There are many reasons for this: For example, the University of Mannheim is ranked excellently in the most important global rankings. The University of Mannheim (in German: Universität Mannheim), abbreviated UMA, is a public research university in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The University of Mannheim, Business School is one of the leading Business Schools in Europe. The project has a duration of 3 years and is funded with a total of 1.2 million Euros. News; Exchange Students. Am 1. Projekt FairADM is funded by BW-Stiftung. Foto: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg. E-mail: hpitters(at) Spring term 2021 ; Fall term 2020/2021; Program of the Summer and Winter Academies; Courses on German Language and Culture; Welcome Week. Founded in 1967, the university has its origins in the Palatine Academy of Sciences, which was established by Elector Carl Theodor at Mannheim Palace in 1763, as well as the Handelshochschule (Commercial College Mannheim … University of Mannheim Mathematical Institute B 6, 26 – Room B 3.09 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2544 … Universität Mannheim / Psychologie / smip / News August 2020. Drei Dozierende aus der Fakultät für Sozial­wissenschaften sowie der Fakultät für Rechts­wissenschaft und Volkswirtschafts­lehre erhalten in diesem Jahr den Lehr­preis für ihre außergewöhnlichen Lehr­leistungen. News Photo credit: Anna Logue Application for Master’s Programs - Spring Semester 2020. All events and dates regarding the university and in university policy. Dezember sind auch die Vorschläge der Gesundheitspsychologin Professorin Jutta Mata von der Universität Mannheim eingeflossen. Sign up for our newsletter for prospective students. The page has been renamed or moved and is now available under a different URL. Teil­projekte; Events; Wettbewerb und Regulierung; Empirische … Profile. Photo credit: Daniela Haupt AAPOR: Two awards for Frauke Kreuter. News News December 2017. This interdisciplinary orientation manifests itself above all in the bachelor’s and master’s programs in Culture and Economy. Herzlich willkommen bei Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) University of Mannheim School of Social Sciences A 5, 6 Building B – Room B 219 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2413 Fax: +49 621 181-3699 E-mail: methods(at) © 2008 Universität Mannheim Home Deutsch Print search Home Deutsch Print search Home; Studies; News; About Us; Staff; International We conduct research and offer teaching in the areas data analytics, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and data integration. The AI Lab Rhein-Neckar was launched with a virtual kick-off on 16.06.2020. Subscribe to our newsletters which are being sent out twice a month. Neben Forschungs­projekten, studentischem Engagement und außeruniversitären Kooperationen erfahren Interessierte dort mehr über den im Frühjahr gegründeten Arbeits­kreis ... Eine neue wissenschaft­liche Studie der Universität Mannheim unter der Leitung von Professorin Annelies Blom zeigt Gründe auf, warum die Corona-Warn-App ihre beabsichtigte Wirkung verfehlt. ERC Grants für die Universität Mannheim ; Gute wissenschaft­liche Praxis; Forschungs­schwerpunkte. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie in unserer, Digitale Sprechstunde für deutsche Studien­interessierte, Digitale Sprechstunde für internationale Studien­interessierte, E-Learning Kurs: Selbstreguliertes Lernen, Beratung für Behinderte und chronisch Kranke, Besonderheiten für internationale Mannheimer Studierende, Coronavirus: FaQs for International Exchange Students, Coronavirus: FAQs for International Degree Seeking Students, Studien­gebühren für Internationale Studierende, Digitalisierung und künstliche Intelligenz, Welcome Center für internationale Forschende, Veränderung oder Verlängerung des Aufenthaltes, Gästehaus und Internationales Begegnungs­zentrum, Campus-Erweiterung und Entwicklung Friedrichspark, Coronavirus: Aktuelle Maßnahmen und Empfehlungen, Zwei Nachwuchs­wissenschaft­ler der Universität Mannheim in Elite­programm der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung aufgenommen. News News 1; 2; 3.... 9 » Photo credit: Katrin Glückler myUniMA story about our research assistant Aleksandra Butneva “Studying in Mannheim Allows Me to Perfectly Combine Research and Student Life” Photo credit: Universität Mannheim Oke Bahnsen awarded Prize of Karin-Islinger-Stiftung. Uni Mannheim Process Mining Meet-ups; Menu × Photo credit: Anna Logue University of Mannheim; Data and Web Science Group The Data and Web Science Group Welcome to the webpages of the Data and Web Science Group. For his paper "Building Trust", Santanu Kundu received the GESS Science Speed Dating Award from the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences in Mannheim. It stands for first-class research, internationality and a distinct practical orientation. The safety of participants is of course of utmost importance to us. Coming to Mannheim. November 20, 2020 We are very pleased that we will be able to offer the Mathematics Master's degree at our faculty from the spring / summer semester 2021. Participate in the project "Europa macht Schule" and live the European idea. Area Operations Management Introduction Session on Sep 24th. News Photo credit: Anna Logue Application for Master’s Programs - Spring Semester 2021. DIAMICOM . News News Photo credit: Markus Spiske KI-Lab Rhein-Neckar. August hat Prof. Volker Nocke, Ph.D. das Amt des Abteilungssprechers übernommen. The European Finance Association Annual Meetings have recently attracted over 750 renowned financial economists from top business schools and universities from all around the world. High EU grant for new governance-project with participation of Goran Glavaš. Due to the coronavirus crisis, the organizational team has decided to postpone the summer school, which is currently scheduled from June 22nd to July 3rd 2020 in Torino, Italy.