Information on data processing: The data recorded when scanning your ID card will be stored in a central database if the LAN connection is working. Then, regardless of whether the health authorities initiate contact tracing, please also contact the university's abovementioned experts so that together you can identify potential category 1 and/or 2 contacts based on the current criteria. Wir sind auch während der Corona-Krise für Ihre Fragen da (16.12. bis 23.12.2020 und ab 07.01.2020): über unser Kontaktformular; per E-Mail:; telefonisch unter +49 931 31-85906 (Mo - Fr 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr) WhatsApp-Anfragen an +49 931 31-85906 werden ebenfalls in diesem Zeitfenster beantwortet Please note that guest ID cards cannot be requested by guests themselvesContact:Franca Lovisi (extension 4391) or Brigitte Funk (extension 3622), Human Resources. Additionally, please regularly visit the website New in Konstanz: Prof. Dr. Stefan Niemann. practice social distancing, follow the hygiene rules, wear a face covering and make sure to ventilate your work space. General information for using the barcode scanners: The terminals record the barcode (student ID number) on your student ID card as well as the time when you enter and leave the university. ); 8. Das hat der Regierungsrat des Kantons Bern auf Grund der epidemiologischen Entwicklung und der nach wie vor hohen Fallzahlen beschlossen. Welcome, Prof. Dr. Stefan Niemann (Chair of Macroeconomics) 16.11.2020. Sc.) We also strongly recommend that you purchase travel health insurance coverage – but please clarify exactly what coverage you have during a stay lasting several months, what rules apply during a pandemic and if the coverage continues, even if the Federal Foreign Office has a travel advisory in effect. If this is the case, please make sure to cover your nose and mouth (e.g. ZEuS ist das Zentrale Einschreibe- und Studierendenportal der Universität Konstanz. In case you suspect a COVID-19 infection the following applies: In both cases, please take the following steps as prescribed in the university’s Hygiene Regulations and the state’s Corona Ordinance (CoronaVO): If you do not have a family doctor (or your doctor does not test for coronavirus), please phone one of the specialized practices listed for the Konstanz district. Ministry of Science, Research and Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg, court of auditors, Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg (LfDI, state representative for data protection and freedom of information), Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg, Landratsamt Konstanz (district office), etc. Alle Informationen werden auf der Website veröffentlicht.. Bitte informieren Sie sich täglich, denn wir bilden jeweils den tagesaktuellen Status ab, auch was den Betrieb der Universität und die Durchführung von Präsenzveranstaltungen angeht. The file server, which you can use from within the university and via remote access from without, is best for large quantities of data. From now on, old chemicals can be accepted again. The electronic registration data will be stored for four weeks and then deleted as per the Corona Ordinance (CoronaVO). Detailed information (in German): Beschäftigung schwangerer Frauen im Hinblick auf eine Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), Contact:Wolfgang Hellstern, Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection. You can find useful advice on how to work safely at home and on the go on the website of the IT security and privacy team. If you do need to take a lunch break, e.g. You should make a note of situations with potential risk of infection. B. bei Abschlussarbeiten), soll dies unverzüglich nachgeholt werden, sobald es wieder möglich ist, Arbeiten binden zu lassen (z. Yes. Therefore, we ask exchange students to come to Konstanz by the beginning of the semester, if possible. You must cover your mouth and nose using a face mask. If a COVID-19 infection is confirmed, the Gesundheitsamt (health authority) will be informed at the same time, which will then track relevant contact persons, contact them and determine required measures such as quarantines. This is one of the reasons the universityʼs foyer and entrance areas continue to be off-limits if you want to sit down or eat your food. As a general rule, all units must assure that they are able to fulfil their duties and responsibilities, e.g. Fragen beantworten wir Ihnen gerne per Mail: Auch die Dokumentlieferung wird bis zum 23. It is, however, key that you agree with your department on these courses early on. The departments may offer practical courses on campus (including lab courses in biology, physics and chemistry, compact courses in biology and sports tutorials). 7. Supervisors are welcome to refer to these instructions when issuing guidance to their own staff members. Jahrhundert bis ins frühe 21. Juli 2020 ist die Arbeit des Krisenstabs der Universität Konstanz in Bezug auf die Corona-Krise beendet worden.Nachfolgend wurde ein Arbeitskreis Organisation und Sicherheit im Coronabetrieb eingerichtet. must be thoroughly cleaned using an appropriate cleaner (e.g. In der Exzellenzinitiative war sie 2007, 2012 und 2019 in allen drei Förderlinien erfolgreich und gehört damit zu den Eliteuniversitäten der Bundesrepublik. KIM also provides access to the campus network from outside the university via VPN connections (Virtual Private Network) for university staff members. Additional cleaning agents as well as paper towels will be available at the terminals for you to use at your convenience. Dezember 2020: Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Verordnung des Landes Baden-Württemberg müssen alle Bibliotheken ab dem 16. The key management team can extend keys/transponders during conditional on-site operations. Any staff member who shares a household with someone who belongs to a risk group is also welcome to seek advice. Staff members can use the following entrances that have time recording terminals torecord when they enter and leave the university. minimum distance of 1.5 metres was observed, face coverings were worn). Contact. If the distancing and hygiene requirements laid down in the corresponding risk assessment have been met, there is no need to send other people (staff members or students) home. Staff members who are not ordered by the “Gesundheitsamt” to stay in quarantine, but are not permitted to enter the campus because of a directive from the university, will receive their full salary, unless they travelled, despite warnings from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), to an area that was defined as risk area by the RKI. If you test negative for the coronavirus, you may be exempted from the prohibition to enter the campus in justified individual cases only. It is important to document these situations in which an infection could potentially be passed from person to person. Surfaces that are sensitive to water should be wiped down with a cloth soaked in soap solution and dried afterwards using, for instance, a disposable towel. Sudents and staff members are able to enter the university using the following electronic registration system on campus:1. Both documents are on the. If you would like to make an appointment, please email Angelika Tyczka in the front office for the in-house physician, and send a copy to Heike Strauß. you are not required to notify the authorities, to quarantine or to take a COVID-19 test. Generally speaking, travellers from Switzerland are required to register themselves and self-quarantine upon arrival in Germany as per § 3 of the Corona Ordinance on entry quarantine and testing “Corona-Verordnung Einreise-Quarantäne und Testung” (CoronaVO EQT). We have compiled a summary of the guidelines for you:To all teaching staff who are responsible for practical courses (and for other groups, too, for information purposes): Wherever possible, please try to come to the university using your own bicycle or car. You can find the most up-to-date information on the universities’ websites. If you spend time on campus or inside university buildings during conditional on-site operations, please make sure to make a note of the person or persons you have met in the office/laboratory or spoken to in the corridors. Ein wichtiger Grund ist vor dem Hintergrund der Bibliotheksschließung auch die dadurch eingeschränkte Literaturversorgung, insbesondere wenn die Bibliothek auch über den 10. If this is you, you may enter university buildings via the bus stop and i-Punkt entrances (level A5) only. Die Lehr- und Lernplattform ILIAS sowie die Cloud und andere digitale Dienste werden selbstverständlich im gewohnten Umfang weiter betrieben. The University of Konstanzʼs “Chemikalienlager” opens on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You will hear a short beep as confirmation. KIM Library and IT Support will be happy to answer your questions until 23 December 2020 and from 9:00 on 4 January 2021: phone: +49 7531 88 2871, email:, Contact: Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM), Dezember 2020 in Kraft. One-time-only access outside the hours specified above can be granted if absolutely necessary and if those responsible (e.g. Facility Management will maintain the lists and upload them to the universityʼs cloud server so that the deans can carry out their formal checks in line with their responsibilities. Exchange programmes outside Europe: Exchanges can be reschedules for a year later, independent of the host university’s procedure and the courses it offers. The coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions it has brought can be a strain on people's health and well-being. Corona Notification. Inanspruchnahme von Urlaub oder Resturlaub 3. Welcome back - important information for the winter semester 2020/21. For Erasmus programmes in Europe: log in to our MOBON database to inform your departmental Erasmus coordinator automatically via email. 4. Since viruses – as opposed to bacteria – cannot reproduce on a wiping cloth (they would require cells from suitable higher-order organisms to do so), you can reuse your cleaning cloths. What to do while dropping off hazardous waste. University of Konstanz's Hygiene Regulations (in German). We are collecting this data for access control purposes only. Please also contact Human Resources so you can be given other tasks. This is why itʼs all the more important to protect and safely store your work-related data using the universityʼs various storage services. Information on further entrances: FAQ 1.3.1. November 2020, beginnen und am Samstag, 13. The Hygiene Regulations are available at the university's statutes, regulations and guidelines website (in German, please refer to the "Universität allgemein" section). You may only enter the university using an entrance in the same colour area as your workplace. In addition, KIM has restarted its entire interlibrary loan programme. This is to avoid crowding.During the conditional on-site operations, the following rules and regulations apply:1. Januar 2021, 9 Uhr: Telefon: +49 7531-88/2871, E-Mail: Vgl. The respective barcode scanner has been removed and installed at the crossing to K5 instead. You must provide a detailed explanation as to why you need to travel to this particular destination. You have to go in mandatory quarantine only for ten days (instead of 14 days), which can be shortened if you take a coronavirus test (at the earliest on the fifth day of returning) and this test is negative. in the libraryʼs computer rooms. Please note: If a coronavirus infection is suspected, the corresponding person must immediately leave the campus. Since 8 August 2020, there has been a general test obligation for returnees or arrivals from risk areas. Please note that food and drink are currently available for take-away only, the seating areas are no longer available. Please inform the corresponding programme coordinator in the International Office of your decision. For reasons of infection protection on campus as the restrictions are gradually eased our Rectorate, with the consent of the Staff Council, passed general Hygiene Regulations. However, it is not possible to enter the building after that time. This means that you will also need to check in at the building entrance if you have booked a space in the library, i.e. This is to help take the load off the health authorities and facilitate contact tracing in the event of an infection with SARS-CoV-2. by wearing an everyday face mask) whenever the required safety distance cannot be maintained. This means that, in case of an evacuation, you do not have to take any detours in order to observe distance regulations, and you also may use escape routes without a face mask in case of danger if you do not have one at hand. This includes the website and content management system, email and calendar, cloud, ZEuS, ILIAS and other systems. Typically, these are available on campus via the public computer stations, e.g. Please note: The newly installed time recording terminals will initially be used for registration only, not for recording your working hours. The University of Konstanz has once again been selected as one of eleven Universities of Excellence or consortia in Germany. 4. Since the beginning of the year, the pandemic has had a hold on all aspects of our lives. Februar 2021, enden. As mentioned above, these include the following: social distancing, observing the hygiene regulations, wearing a face covering and ventilating your work space at regular intervals, for instance by opening the windows. It doesnʼt matter if you register again at a different check-in point inside university buildings. Based on guidance published by the Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie (BG RCI) the universityʼs occupational safety team has developed new operating instructions for working at risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2. Detailed information will be published on the website of the “Chemikalienlager” (chemicals stockroom). We are, however, optimistic and will continue to promote international mobility activities. For more information, please read the letter from our Kanzler and Family Affairs Representative of the University of Konstanz, Jens Apitz. In this exceptional case, apply for the scholarship at least two weeks before the internship is scheduled to start. Corona. If you have questions, please contact the occupational safety team within the staff unit Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection. 2. To make an appointment, please email the in-house physicianʼs assistant, Angelika Tyczka, copying the in-house physician in on your email. you will need to check in when entering the building and again when entering the library. Persons who have entered a building before 21:00 do not have to leave at 21:00. Please determine which courses are urgently required to take place on campus at departmental level. Once you are logged in, you can subscribe to individual websites and news channels in this area. No, staff members are not released from their duty to work. University of Konstanz staff members are welcome to arrange for individual medical consultations with the universityʼs in-house physician – also and especially if you suffer from a previous medical condition or disposition. Job interviews should continue to be conducted online in the first round. You can find individual names by means of an alphabetical list or, alternatively, use the search mask the enter a name or institution directly. No one knows how the pandemic situation will develop over time. Update 23.11.2020: Die im Kanton Bern geltenden Massnahmen zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus bleiben bis am 14. Very few universities can approve double the usual number of programme participants for a single semester.If, because the situation continues to be very dynamic, you choose not to travel abroad during the summer semester 2021, please withdraw from your current programme and submit a new application to your department by 1 February 2021. während an der Universität Konstanz aufgrund des Corona-Virus Einschränkungen bezüglich des Regelbetriebs gelten, steht Ihnen die Schreibberatung des Fachbereichs Linguistik auf Anfrage per E-Mail zur Verfügung. The staff there will then inform the house maintenance team who will ventilate the room and keep the room closed until the surfaces have been cleaned. Should you notice the symptoms after already having entered the university premises, you have to, It is very important that you contact our in-house physician, Heike Strauß, in such a case, either, Please also inform the corresponding persons/units (see above) via, Please ask the student in question to complete the. Please direct any questions that you may have to Renate Pfeifer, director of Human Resources. The student union of the University of Konstanz has decided to support these students directly. Dezember 2020 gelten, überprüft und weitere Maßnahmen für die Zeit danach beschlossen. Departments who want to work with test subjects can do so provided a suitable risk assessment is carried out by the person or persons responsible. You must sign in when entering the building and sign out again when leaving the building.Students without student ID card, guests, contractors, etc. The grant can be paid shortly before your planned departure date, as long as we have your grant agreement (original) AND your declaration that you are departing at your own risk. shipments including dry ice etc.) You can also access this list of specialized practices for the Konstanz district via the website for the “Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg” (state association of statutory health insurance physicians). All students can purchase an insurance package for travel health insurance and liability insurance from the DAAD. Contact:Kerstin Melzer, Division of Human Resources and Legal Affairs. The Rectorate of the University of Konstanz has done so and decided to admit the following groups of external visitors to the University of Konstanz besides members: 1. Meine Universität. Bei Fragen, die darüber hinausgehen, wenden Sie sich bitte an die dort genannte zuständige Fachabteilung. Only staff members can access the buildings using their transponders. To document your hours worked on campus, please use the regular timekeeping system. 4. In Anlehnung an die geänderte allgemeine Corona-Verordnung des Landes Baden-Württemberg wird die Dauer des Betretungsverbotes zur Universität Konstanz für Kontaktpersonen Kategorie 1 sowie für Personen mit einer roten Meldung der Corona-Warn-App von 14 auf zehn Tage verkürzt. As per § 14 in connection with § 6 of the Corona Regulations, the University of Konstanz is required to collect and store data from visitors, users and/or participants for reasons of contact tracing. who are not staff members or students) can enter the buildings only during the corresponding opening hours. Please specifically describe in your request to the Rectorate why external test persons have to take part. Am 16. As long as they stay in Germany less than 24 hours, persons whose place of residence is in the Swiss cantons of Appenzell (Innerrhoden, Ausserrhoden), Aargau, Basel, Basel-Landschaft, Jura, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thurgau and Zurich, are also exceptions as per § 3 4 para. When working from home, please document the precise amount of hours worked per day. It will only be used for potential contact tracing as may be requested by the health authorities in case of a COVID-19 infection on campus. Universitätsbibliothek / HSG-Bibliothek auf einen Blick: Metasuche, Benutzungskonto, Datenbanken, Öffnungszeiten, Kontakt, über uns, Aktuell, Open innovation.