Es ist zum Beispiel möglich, Studien- und Semesterpläne oder alle Lehrveranstaltungen, die an der Uni Graz angeboten werden, abzurufen. alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area; For media. Deutsch End of this page section. Uni Graz verleiht Sportwissenschaftliche Preise des Landes Steiermark 2020. Zugang zu virtueller Software. The Graz Conference 2020 goes virtual! Opening hours Opening hours & locations. e-mail: Web: Helpful Arqus Alliance. Bei Problemen, die Seite aufzurufen, leeren Sie bitte den Browser-Cache und löschen etwaige… Arqus Brochure. Politik und Sport im Zeichen von Corona: Uni Graz lädt am 13. Dezember ein Standort für die Corona-Massentests in Graz. Service announcements (German only)All (German only) 26.11.2020. ExpertInnen-Pool; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz; Search; End of this page section. Optischer Aufputz. ExpertInnen-Pool; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz; Search; End of this page section. Mon to Thu 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fri 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and by appointment (Kopie 3) Videothek (German) Digital Confucius Institute. Einige Studien an der Uni Graz wurden in UNIGRAZonline auf eine neue Programmversion der Studienverwaltung umgestellt. ExpertInnen-Pool; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz; Search ; End of this page section. Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: Contents: Seit 1585 prägt sie den Wissenschaftsstandort Graz und baut Brücken nach Südosteuropa. (FH) Dr. Anja Hoffmann Phone: +43 (0)316 380 - 2204; More about Arqus at the AirCampus Podcast. Seat booking Seat booking during Corona. Update-Probleme bei MAC OS. Web: Das RESOWI-Zentrum ist am 12. und 13. Halbärthgasse 8 8010 Graz +43 (0)316 380 - 2150 bewerbung(at) Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: You are here: University of Graz; Office of International Relations; End of this page section. Online-Tutorials Short videos on research etc. – 25.10.2020. Arqus Factsheet. End of this page section. UNIGRAZonline: neues Design. +43 (0)316 380 - 2150 personalressort(at) Corona-Ampel Die Corona-Ampel der Universität Graz steht aktuell auf Gelb. The University of Graz (German: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz), located in Graz, Austria, is the largest and oldest university in Styria, as well as the second-largest and second-oldest university in Austria. Universität Graz lädt zu Online-Diskussion über umstrittene UG-Novelle. If you already have a pin code, you can use it to activate your account. It gathers all data related to teaching and research administration in a central database in order to provide updated information “online” – generated directly from the database – to all users working with this system. This e-mail account is meant to ensure that study-related e-mails are actually delivered – regardless of various providers’ quota limitations or filter settings. Bewerbungen Personalressort. Begin of page section: Page settings: Font size: small font size default font size large font size. International students. FAQs for students concerning the corona crisis. Vielen Funktionen von UNIGRAZonline können auch genutzt werden, wenn du noch keinen Studierenden-Account besitzt. UNIGRAZonline is the information management system of University of Graz. User: Login; Language: English. Begin of page section: Page settings: Font size: small font size default font size large font size. Erasmus+ Funding. Data capture for enrollment . Lehrende und Studierende haben den schnellen Umstieg auf Fernlehre an der Uni Graz bestmöglich gemeistert. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Travel costs . UNIGRAZonline wurde einem optischen Relaunch unterzogen. e-mail: konfuzius(at) Contrast: default contrast blue-yellow contrast yellow-blue contrast black-yellow contrast yellow-black contrast black-white contrast. Contrast: default contrast blue-yellow contrast yellow-blue contrast black-yellow contrast yellow-black contrast black-white contrast. Events / Lectures. Monday, 14 December 2020, Kleine Zeitung Auswirkungen der Krise. Phone: +43 (0)316 380 - 1018 e-mail: communication(at) Web: Neuer Einstieg ohne spezielles Programm möglich. Uni Graz Account. Travel costs that arise in relation with the selection process will not be replaced by the University of Graz. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Deutsch End of this page section. We are designing the world of tomorrow and bringing knowledge closer to society! Publication services Publication services, Open Access . MEDonline is the Campus management system of the Medical University of Graz.. created by Press Office and Communications Department. End of this page section. Contact person. Mon - Fri: 09.00 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. Tue and Thu: 01.00 p.m. - 03.00 p.m. Visit us on . Start ist für Anfang 2021 geplant Friday, 11 December 2020. Es wird getestet.; End of this page section. Make IT quick and simple – ein digitaler Assistent liefert schnelle Antworten zur uniIT und hilft bei Installationen. Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: You are here: University of Graz; UNIGRAZonline ; Students; Login Log; End of this page section. End of this page section. Corona-Ampel Die Corona-Ampel der Universität Graz steht aktuell auf Rot. Uni Graz reaktiviert ehemaliges Jesuitenrefektorium am Rosenhain. End of this page section. Information about the login: Students | Staff Login uses Oracle HTTP Server web technologies. The Department for Special Collections at the University Library Graz manages holdings of around 300,000 items. These include manuscripts from various countries, dating all the way back to the Middle Ages, plus collections of papyrus and fragments of early written material. Literature search Literature search & my account. Foto: Andrea Piacquadio/ Zahlen, Daten und Fakten aus drei Wochen Fernlehre – plus Best Practice-Beispiele . Courses subject to specific accsess rules. alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area; For media. Repositorium Master theses, journal articles. Contact Media Archive Phone: +43 (0)316 380 - 8204 e-mail: Web: Factsheet for Researchers. Contact Press + Communication Office Universitaetsplatz 3/I 8010 Graz. Office Hours: Mon. Go to overview of page sections Begin of … alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area; For media. Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: Contents: Search Searched for uni graz online. Psychologin Traunmüller: Müssen "der Machtlosigkeit entgegenstehen" End of this page section. links to network IP address The university was founded in 1585 by Archduke Charles II of Austria. The University of Graz will put current information online at Wartungsarbeiten an Moodle. NewsAll (German only) u:book-Zeit! Gesund bleiben. Web: Web: ℹ️ receives about 9,000 unique visitors per day, and it is ranked 39,813 in the world. Uni Graz in the media. Fakultätsbibliothek bleibt am Samstag geschlossen Thursday, 10 December 2020. Further Information All degree programmes. ASK - Digitaler Assistent. Find more data about online. Found 3794 results in 55 milliseconds. Thursday, 10 December 2020. Die Karl-Franzens-Universität ist die größte und älteste Universität der Steiermark. Revoke consent to transfer of data for this service. Go to overview … Von Kick bis Krebs. alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area; For media. e-mail: Web: The library at a glance. China forums. User: Login; Language: English. Calls for Applications . Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: You are here: University of Graz ; COLIBRI; End of this page section. Arqus Twinning 2020. Where can I find it? Verkaufsfenster für vergünstigte Geräte von 28.09. Ein Uni-Graz-Passwort gilt für 360 Tage – es sollte gut gewählt werden. Special Collections | DIGITAL. Oktober zum virtuellen Politik Café mit Peter Filzmaier Seit Mitte März und noch bis Ende Juni 2020 findet die Lehre an der Universität Graz aufgrund der Corona-Krise online statt. Derzeit kommt es vermehrt zu Problemen. Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: Additional information: Research profile The Rector’s Welcome Address; We work for tomorrow; Research profile; About the University; Organisation & Structure; Faculties; Inter-faculty Centres; Map of the Campus; Interdisciplinary affairs. Language courses without ECTS. Access to the University network. Displaying results 1191 … Data Protection Declaration. Important dates and deadlines. ExpertInnen-Pool; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz; Search; End of this page section. Opening hours Mon–Fri 7am–10pm Sat 8am–5pm Information. The Uni Graz account automatically provides students with an e-mail account of the University of Graz. 22.12.2020 . Language courses with ECTS. We would like to inform you, that we will organize the Graz Conference 2020, which will take place from 11 to 14 November 2020 as an ONLINE/VIRTUAL… Register now for the Graz Conference 2020 (11-14 November 2020). Dipl.-Fachübers. Service announcements (German only)All (German only) 01.10.2020.