You are interested in studying at FH Potsdam? Verantwortlich für journalistisch-redaktionelle Inhalte gem. Please refer to this website for updates or contact the organizing committee at or for further information. His past projects include Airbnb vs. Berlin, which was nominated for the … Dear Participants, Due to the current spread of COVID-19 and the precautionary policies at the University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, some of our speakers won’t … Twitter. Her bachelor thesis in 2018 focused on design process research. OPAC - FH Potsdam; Hilfe - FH Potsdam; Benutzername/Passwort wiederherstellen. E-Mail The International Office supports University instructors in providing study abroad opportunities for their students or in working together with international scholars within the context of university partnerships or in obtaining funding for international projects. E-Mail senden . Zinan Zhang Kaiser Friedrich Straße 134 01627993681 24.02.1993. Bibliothekswissenschaft FH Potsdam : Last changed: 21.01.2019, Dennis Mischke. Correspondence. This tutorial shows you a few tricks for preparing data for visualization. SEO rating for Certificates. After completing her studies in communication in social and economic contexts in 2012, Paula studied product design at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. He has worked for a number of international clients and companies like MetaDesign San Francisco, the Science Museum London and … Informationswissenschaften FH Potsdam. For this we will continue to work with the Pandas package, in particular with the DataFrame data structure, and get to know a few additional helpers. The dome.perimeter was developed in collaboration with Prof. Klaus Dufke in the summer term 2012. 525 people follow this. Dipl.-Wirt.Inf. fabian moron zirfas [DOT] me Welcome to my site. Forgot account? Prof. Dr. Marian Dörk, Prof. Dr. Log In. 1.1K לייקים. Software WordPress HTML/CSS JavaScript Adobe Suite(Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) Work History. 14469 Potsdam, Germany : 2 . (FH) Björn Keding. This is quite a good result, as only 10% of websites can load faster. Ms Sina Raddatz Erasmus Coordinator phone: +49 331 580 2015 . Chor der FH Potsdam. Kiepenheuerallee 5 (5,014.04 mi) Potsdam, Germany 14469. Page optimization. It is advisable to send an e-mail to macr (at) beforehand, if you plan to visit the library. University of Potsdam Network Digital Humanities Am Neuen Palais 10 14469 Potsdam . List of books (30.04.2020) here. The University of Potsdam maintains partnerships with universities in different regions of the world. Community See All. e-mail: / International Office University of Applied Sciences Potsdam . The Interaction Design Lab is the research laboratory of the Interface Design Programme at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany. Create New Account. Twitter @zeto. Welcome to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam We are delighted that you are interested studying at the University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam! The map is two and a half meters wide, displays Earth in a natural-inspired but abstracted color scheme and features hillshades and beautiful typography. Hier auch nochmal, falls wer die Mail nicht bekommen hat: bis 11.5. zur Nachklausur anmelden bei QIS. 23 check-ins. Empty lecture hall of the design department, FH Potsdam.Photo by Henrik Hagedorn.. Die FH Potsdam wurde vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) ausgewählt, um ihre Internationalisierung strukturell auszubauen. or. If you have obtained your Abitur at a recognised German school abroad, you are exempted from the obligation of recognition. Gerlachstrasse 47-49 14480 Potsdam, Deutschland Telefon: +49(331) 87 00 421 Fax: +49(331) 290 95 16 E-Mail: E-Mail The International Office welcomes students from around the world for full-time or exchange study, as well as providing support for undergraduate and Masters students who wish to study abroad for one semester or year of their degree programme. Since it was founded in 1991, the university has become an important pillar in the knowledge landscape of the region. Wir senden Ihnen die Anweisungen an diese Adresse. Geospatial entities can, for example, be particular places such as schools and libraries or political boundaries of cities or countries. Summer 2020. paula.schuster@fh-potsdam... Paula Schuster is a research assistant at the Interaction Design Lab (IDL) of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Experimental Visualisation of Theodor Fontanes Referance Library . About See All. Email: April 2019. The spectrum of programmes of study includes civil engineering, social and cultural work, and design. Prof. Boris Müller has a Diploma in Graphic Design from the Hochschule für Künste Bremen (College of Art and Design Bremen, Germany) and a MA in Computer Related Design from the Royal College of Art London. Jan-Erik Stange is a research associate and lecturer at the Interaction Design Lab at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. FH-Potsdam, University of Applied Science Social Media. Route . Summer 2020. Important Notice. Dafür erhält die Hochschule in den nächsten zwei Jahren rund 500.000 EUR vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). Not Now. Twitter @borism. Website of Fabian Morón Zirfas. The evaluation of your higher education entrance qualification (preliminary review documentation) is a prerequisite for applying to the FH Potsdam. Werkschau FH Potsdam. Meinen Benutzernamen senden. FHP Connect, Potsdam, Germany. Currently, 2,700 students are enrolled in 23 programmes of study supervised by 90 professors. (FH) Jens Girbert Dipl.-Wirt.Inf. Name Title Institution Phone E-Mail; Biskaborn, Boris. We want to connect local students with international / exchange / Erasmus students at FH Potsdam. The summer term is over — but the covid-19 crisis is not. Tutorial 2: Data wrangling¶ Welcome back! > Studieren > Sozialwesen > M.A. Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights. language Chinese as mother tongue English fluent in spoken and written German fluent in spoken and written. fh_koester. show big map . On-page Analysis, Page Structure, Backlinks, Competitors and Similar Websites. Founded in 1991, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) is a young institute of higher learning. Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) is an innovative, forward-looking and practically oriented university. Twitter @vik_bru. dome.perimeter General Information. Wir sind der AStA der Fachhochschule Potsdam – dein offenes Ohr für alles rund ums und im Studium an der FHP. Frauke Hildebrandt, Department of Social Sciences and Education, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469, Potsdam, Germany. Department of Social and Educational Science, University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Germany. University of Applied Sciences Potsdam International Office ; Erasmus Departmental Coordinators Department of Social Work ; … Peer Trilcke E-Mail: digital-humanities uni-potsdam de Imprint. University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Search for more papers by this author Jonas holds a Bachelor degree in media design at Rheinische University of Applied Science Cologne (RFH) and a Master Degree in Interface Design atUniversity of Applied Science Potsdam. Besides working for the Infographics Group for several years he founded his own studio. Mein Passwort zurücksetzen. 140 likes. Geben Sie bitte die E-Mail-Adresse ein, die beim Erstellen Ihres Kontos verwendet wurde. Amtsgericht Potsdam HRB 16424 P Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 22 381 36 49. At the present time students have a choice of 32 Bachelor's, Master's and diploma courses offering strong career prospects. Deadline for applications is May 15. E-Mail Date of birth. Prof. Dr. 462 likes. Bei uns gibts Spaß am Singen, coole Songs und SängerInnen, die regelmäßig über sich hinaus wachsen. Feasability-study of visual exploration and digital presentation of Theodor Fontanes reference library, a special collection of the Theodor-Fontane-Archive. The lab is a space for international interaction design experts from industry and academia. Website: Sponsored by VolkswagenStiftung . 577 likes. Contact. Discover all study courses and useful information at a glance. E-Mail We analyzed page load time and found that the first response time was 409 ms and then it took 648 ms to load all DOM resources and completely render a web page. !CREAN Conference postponed!!!!! May 2016 – April 2017 CAPTRON Electronic … See more of Informationswissenschaften FH Potsdam on Facebook. You will see how data can be loaded, parsed, and examined. Tutorial 8: Geovisualization¶ In this last instalment of the information visualization tutorials we will be analyzing and visualizing geographic data; i.e., data that refers to geospatial entities. Dr. AWI Potsdam +49(331)288-2194: Brell, Maximilian: Dr. GFZ Potsdam +49 331 288-1195 Ihre E-Mail-Adresse. Join our events and Facebook group! Sincerely, The CREAN Team !!!! Visit Jahresausstellung aller Fachbereiche und vieler fachbereichsübergreifender Hochschul- und Kooperationsprojekte. His research interests lie in information visualization of complex datasets to enhance understanding, human visual pattern recognition, user experience design and generative design. College & University in Potsdam, Germany. AStA FH Potsdam, פוטסדאם. Viktoria Brüggemann is a research associate at the Urban Complexity Lab at FH Potsdam. Knowledge & Skills. FH Potsdam | University of Applied Sciences | Fachbereich Design | Department of Design | Motion Graphics Potsdam (Germany) 498 people like this. Her emphasis as a cultural scientist is mainly on cultural history and museums, with a focus on different ways of knowledge sharing in the (digital) present. We designed a world map based on a butterfly projection, using only open source data and mainly open source tools. Projekt participants from the network . Kiepenheuer Allee 5 .