Services. University of Mannheim. The University of Mannheim's … E-mail: lang(at) Web: University of Mannheim School of Social Sciences A5 C – Room 201 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2149 Fax: +49 621 181-3997 E-mail: lehauke(at) PhD-Student. Chair of Political Science, Empirical Democracy Research Route planner. Birgit Piesch. Dean's Office | Department of Economics. Backing up all e-mail data and accessing previous versions of files, within the scope of our back-up service; Provision of group ware; Central storage of e-mails, meetings, contact information and tasks for all staff members working in the university’s administration; Subscription to various mailing lists of the University of Mannheim. Photo credit: Valentin Lang. Consultation hour(s): Tue 2–3 p.m. Vice Dean for Research, Early-Stage Researchers, and Equal Opportunity. E-mail: hpitters(at) Advisor for International Academics. University of Mannheim Chair in Empirical and Democracy Research A 5 6 Building A – Room A 333 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 … University of Mannheim L 5, 4 – Room 010 68161 Mannheim E-mail: orga(at) is an e-mail address, not an Uni-ID. Consultation hour(s): Telephone consultation hours Tue and Wed 10 a.m. – noon. Consultation hour(s): upon appointment. The user can also setup his own local e-mail client. The IMAP protocol is prefered since it allows the user to connect with multiple clients (smartphone, desktop etc.) University of Mannheim Institut für Mathematik B6, 26 – Room B 3.20 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2622 E-mail: sbaguley(at) … E-Mail: lswipol(at) Web: On the following sites you will find useful informations concerning the email services provided by the University of Mannheim. E-mail: gassert(at) E-mail: aloose(at) Prof. Dr. Claudia Gronemann. E-mail: yrai(at) Web: Assistant Professor of Theoretical Econometrics and Statistics. E-mail: hoisl(at) Due to the coronovirus not in our office, but you can contact us via mail any time: Anwesenheitszeiten: Mo–Fr 9:15–13 Uhr Foto: Anna Logue. Consultation hour(s): Mon: 09:00– noon Tue: 09:00– noon Wed: 2:00–4:00 p.m. Thu: 2:00–4:00 p.m. Fri: 09:00– noon. Formal sociological theory building in combination with empirical tests represents the scientific approach for all research interests of the academic staff of the Chair of Sociological Methodology. E-mail: master(at) Julia Potapov. Worldwide, Mannheim is listed #39 and #11 in Europe. In particular, he employs theoretical and experimental methods to study how antisocial behavior affects economic decision making. Send us an e-Mail to asta[at] or find us on Facebook or Instagram. University of Mannheim School of Social Sciences A 5, 6 Building B – Room B 219 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2413 Fax: +49 621 181-3699 E-mail: methods(at) Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät Route planner . University of Mannheim School of Social Sciences A 5,6 Building A – Room A 413 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2417 Fax: +49 621 181-1997 E-mail: uta.hylla(at) Dean's Office | Department of Economics Route planner. Merry Christmas and all the best for 2021 wishes the Dean's office! If you have forgotten your password , you can change the password by correctly answering your security question, as long as you have already configured a security question. Lehr­stuhl für VWL, Wirtschafts­politik Routenplaner. E-mail: werry(at) University of Mannheim Division II - Student Affairs International Office / Welcome Center L 2, 2-4 – Room 117 68161 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2392 Fax: +49 621 181-3226 E-mail: julia.potapov(at) Excellence in research and teaching: The University of Mannheim is ranked best German university in the Times Higher Education Ranking 2021 by subject in #Business and #Economics! Consultation hour(s): upon appointment Opening hours: Due to the corona pandemic, the Dean's office will remain closed for visitors until further notice. Chair holder / Vice Dean for Research, Yound Researchers; Equal Opportunities Commissioner. University of Mannheim Mathematical Institute B 6, 26 – Room B 3.09 68159 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2544 … to the mailbox. University of Mannheim Mathematics Institute B6, 28-29 – Room C 3.12 68159 Mannheim zur Zeit am besten per E-Mail erreichbar E-mail: braak(at) + Service. Profile. Please submit your solutions to Paul Nikolaev via Email to. Consultation hour(s): Mon–Fri 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Lukas Trottner, M.Sc. Photo credit: Stefanie Eichler. Student Assistant. Universität Mannheim Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre L 7, 3-5 – Raum 207 68131 Mannheim Tel. Photo credit: Daniela Haupt. Photo credit: Felix Zeiffer. If you exceed the loan period of an item, the library imposes a late fee. University of Mannheim Mathematics Institute B6, 28-29 – Room C 3.12 68159 Mannheim zur Zeit am besten per E-Mail erreichbar E-mail: braak(at) + Service. You can return items via mail at your own risk to Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim, Ausleihe, Schloss Schneckenhof, 68131 Mannheim. E-mail: jonasson-vree(at) The courses preparing for university studies are currently taught online. The local client connects to the mailbox on our mailserver by two possible protocols, which are the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP4) or the Post Office Protocol (POP3). Due to the current health situation related to the coronavirus pandemic, all in-person consultation/office hours are cancelled until further notice. University of Mannheim School of Humanities Schloss – Room EO 291 68131 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-2577 E-mail: international(at) The Uni-ID is usually the part of the e-mail addressed located before the @. Facebookseite. The open consultation hour is cancelled until further notice. Secretary's Office for Assistant Professors. Consultation hour(s): Currently we can only be contacted by e–mail! : +49 (0) 621 181-3440 Fax: +49 (0) 621-181-3451 Email: Homepage: Danielle Martin is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Collaborative Research Center SFB 884 at the University of Mannheim. Phone: +49 621 1235-220 E-mail: sebastian.siegloch(at) Requesting Items from the Closed-stacks . Anfahrt und Campusplan; Portal² ; Newsletter; Abteilung Kommunikation; Abteilung Marketing; Universitäts­bibliothek + Engagement. Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät Route planner. Andrea Ragaller. AStA Updates. Consultation hour(s): Thu 10:15–11:45 a.m. Office hours: Mon–Thu 8:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. University of Mannheim Department of Economics Assistant Professor of Applied Microeconomics L 7, 3-5 – Room 3.01 68161 Mannheim On 21. and 22.12. we are still reachable by e-mail. They include daily live lessons via ZOOM. Prior to her graduate program, … Wladislaw Mill is an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at the University of Mannheim. E-Mail:; InfoCenter Castle Schneckenhof Opening hours: Mo. There will be a help desk every Monday from 11 am to 13 am online (Zoom) or in person in office B4.03 in B6 provided by Paul. Opening hours: Due to the corona pandemic, the Dean's office will remain closed for visitors until further notice. Please contact me via e–mail. We still offer ALL course levels, from A 1.1 to C1 aswell as DSH preparation courses, individual and small-group lessons. Alina Kias. Photo credit: Stefanie Eichler. Office Assistant Chair of Organization and Innovation. Library Card for Non-University Members; Library Card for Members of Cooperating Institutions; Workspaces. Consultation hour(s): Open consultation hours and telephone service hours are cancelled until further notice. University of Mannheim B6, 30-32 - Room 335 D-68131 Mannheim Tel. University of Mannheim School of Social Sciences L 13, 17 – Room 311 68161 Mannheim Phone: … She completed her Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Michigan. pnikolae( a t ) Please contact us via e-mail or phone. Web: If this is not possible, you can submit your solutions in paper form in the box at B6, 26, level 4. University of Mannheim Department of Romance Languages L 15, 1-6 – Room A 122 68161 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181 … University of Mannheim … Anfahrt; Presse; Service; News + Service. University of Mannheim Abteilung Rechtswissenschaft Schloss Westflügel – Room W 218 68161 Mannheim Phone: +49 621 181-1317 Fax: +49 621 181-1318 E-mail: dekanat(at) University of Mannheim Business School L 5, 5 68161 Mannheim E-mail: studieninfo.bwl(at) Web: Dr. Sam Baguley, M.Sc. Germany. His research interest is focused around antisocial behavior. Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät. If there is no suitable date, please send us an e-mail with … University of Mannheim Business School L 5, 5 68161 Mannheim E-mail: studieninfo.bwl(at) Web: Stiftung Universität Mannheim… Web-Mail for staff members; Web-Mail for students; Web-Mail for professors (staffmail) Informations on the mailboxes for students; Informations on the mailboxes for staff members ; Informations on spam; Mailclient setup; Generic email addresses; Top. Projects Lena Hauke. E-mail: ltrottne(at) Short CV since 2018: PhD supervised by Prof Leif Döring , University of Mannheim, member of the research training group Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems and Processes Profile. B6, 30-32 (2nd floor) 68159 Mannheim. University of Mannheim. Phone: +49 621 181 2034. Courses; ZWÖLFDREISSIG Workshops; Guided Tours; Tutorials; Our Offer for Secondary Schools; Academic Writing Consultancy; Reference Management Software. E-Mail: gess[at] PhD Student. - Fr. Student Assistant. Uta Hylla, M.A. Prof. Dr. Marc Lerchenmüller. To do so, please enter your name in the appointment calendar below. Guesthouse Administrator. Training Room M 218; PalMA Team Monitors; Lockers; Internet Access; Printing, Copying and Scanning ; Courses and Tutorials. via e-mail to; via the support contact form or; via telephone (+49 621 181-2000) in the InfoCenter Schloss Schneckenhof Süd, Mon to Fri 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (by appointment only) For our live classroom support, you can call us under +49 621 181-2001 or send an e-mail to The Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) at the University of Mannheim provides graduate training in empirical and quantitative methods as well as their application to business, economics, and the social sciences. ZEW -- Centre for European Economic Research Head of Research Group “Social Policy and Redistribution” L7, 1 68161 Mannheim. The consequences of the Corona Pandemic on the University of Mannheim and the role of the General Students’ Committee (AStA) The last weeks and months were marked by uncertainty. If you have any questions about studying business administration, please contact us by e-mail ( for Bachelor in Business Administration or for Mannheim Master in Management) or book an online-counselling. University of Mannheim Business School L 5, 5 68161 Mannheim E-mail: studieninfo.bwl(at) Web: Opening hours: Due to the corona pandemic, the Dean's office will remain closed for visitors until further notice. Chair of Political Science, Empirical Democracy Research. Lehr­stuhl für VWL, Wirtschafts­politik. Map and Directions ; Portal²; Newsletter; Mannheim University Library + FORUM. Only students of the University of Mannheim or of cooperating institutions are entitled to borrow items from the textbook collection. + Services.