Augusta Raurica, or Colonia Augusta Rauracorum, was founded by Lucius Munatius Plancus around 44 BC in the vicinity of a local Gallic tribe, the Rauraci, relatives of the Helvetii. This would seem to indicate the colony extended from Basel toward the mouth of the Aare, then up the Aare to the mouth of the Sigger below Solothurn, across to the Lüssel, and then back down the Birs to Basel, though this is still conjecture. Augusta Raurica is a former Roman colony and city located on the Rhine River some 11 km (7 miles) east of the modern Swiss city of Basel, in between the towns of Kaiseraugst and Augst. The Roman Museum houses the most important finds from the Roman city and presents the history of Augusta Raurica. … . In: Mittelalter, Moyen Age, Medioevo, Temp medieval. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2007), ed. (Request a copy) Other longitudinal streets were laid out parallel to the main street at intervals of 55 meters. The museum also has a reconstruction of a Roman house, with artifacts and reconstructions showing daily domestic and commercial life from the Roman period. In 1442, these communities were divided along the Ergolz and Violenbach [de] rivers. Archäologischer Übersichtsplan von Augusta Raurica (Stand der Grabungen 1999) […] Obwohl A. stets eine Zivilstadt war und erst im 4. 1D vs 3D strong ground motion hybrid modelling of site, and pronounced topography effects at Augusta Raurica, Switzerland - Earthquakes or battles? These two settlements form the centers of the modern communities of Augst and Kaiseraugst. erlebte die wohlhabende Kolonie der romanisierten Rauriker ihre Blütezeit mit bis zu 20.000 Einwohnern. 264 p. $112.00. 165-170. Français : Augusta Raurica est un site archéologique romain situé sur le Rhin, quelques kilomètres à l'ouest de Bâle Augusta Raurica archaeological site. Around 80% of the built-up area has yet to be excavated. 282-283). However the approximate boundaries can be determined by examining the extent of Augst in the Early Middle Ages. The city is, therefore, well-defended by steep slopes to the north, east, and west. More things to do in Pratteln. offizieller Militärstützpunkt wurde, ist die Militärpräsenz nicht zu unterschätzen, auch wenn sie bisher erst in drei Zeitabschnitten nachweisbar ist: in der 1. It is the site of the oldest known Roman colony on the Rhine. Every important public building had its specific place, starting with the temple of Jupiter as the sacred high point from which the street network would spread. Was, wenn die Erde in Basel heute beben würde? Das vorangestellte Kartenmaterial zeigt die Konzentration von Erdbebenepizentren entlang der … 1416. Das Handwerk blühte, es gab ein Theater, ein Ampitheater, ein Hauptforum, einen Aquädukt, diverse Tempel sowie mehrere öffentliche Bäder. Augusta Raurica, auch als Colonia Augusta Rauricorum bekannt, ist eine Siedlung aus römischer Zeit am Südufer des Rheins einige Kilometer östlich von Basel, die zunächst zur Provinz Germania superior, dann ab 297 zur Provinz Maxima Sequanorum (in der Präfektur Gallia in der Diözese Dioecesis Galliarum) mit Zivilverwaltungssitz in Besançon gehörte. The architect, who was responsible for executing the plans for the city, next laid a longitudinal axis across the triangle 36˚ west of north to form the main street of the settlement. - Die Koloniestadt Augusta Raurica als Fallbeispiel . In: Mühlenbrock, Josef; Esch, Tobias (eds.) Angehrn, E. (Colloquia Raurica, 10) Animals d’Empúries. The Romans attempted to maintain their military position by building a fortress on the Rhine, Castrum Rauracense, the walls of which are still partly intact. Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Burgenvereins, 2006/3:165–170 This point is the site of the Roman castrum, or military fortification. unweit vom Hochrhein gegründet. Do you need to book in advance to visit Augusta Raurica? Augusta Raurica is open: Sun - Sat 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Buy tickets in advance on Tripadvisor. Durch ein starkes Erdbeben wurde sie wenig später schwer beschädigt. Jahrhunderts?, in Nachbeben, eine Erdbeben in der Schweiz (Gisler, F h, Giardini Hrsg. Basel: Schweizerischer Burgenverein, 0 since deposited on 04 Oct 2013 (Empúries, Museu d’arqueologia de Catalunya, 2007) Exposició Empúries juliol – setembre de 2007. The limits of Colonia Raurica can no longer be determined with absolute accuracy. October 2008; In book: Nachbeben. This created a series of rectangular blocks of around 50 by 60 meters. AUGUSTA RAURICA Giebenacherstr. The western portion was given to Basel, which became a canton of Switzerland in 1501. By Regula Schatzmann. Übergang, Hybridität und Latenz im historischen Diskursraum von Sidonius Apollinaris bis Gregor von Tours. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, June 25-28, 2007, Paper No. Augusta Raurica was resettled on a much smaller scale on the site of the castrum. New research, based on tiles stamped with the mark of the Vindonissa Legion, indicates some administrative dependence on Vindonissa. Baking bread; Crockery-stories; Combat school for gladiators; Children’s birthday party; Patterns made from coloured stones; An afternoon of playing for big and small; Ointments and oils; Archaeology live: «Bring und zeig» For schools. Fäh D (2009) Ein Erdbeben in Augusta Raurica? The more important roads featured covered sidewalks behind rows of columns. The eastern part became part of Habsburg territories and, to differentiate between the two towns, was renamed Kaiseraugst. Augusta Raurica, or Colonia Augusta Rauracorum, was founded by Lucius Munatius Plancus around 44 BC in the vicinity of a local Gallic tribe, the Rauraci, relatives of the Helvetii. Ein starkes Erdbeben zerstörte um das Jahr 250 die Stadt zum grossen Teil. ; Fabrizio Galadini / Massimiliano Stucchi : La sismicità del settore atesino delle Alpi centrali (Italia settentrionale); Heimo Dolenz : Ein Erdbeben in der Stadt Alt-Virunum auf dem Magdalensberg? März 2019 mit einem schweren, erwarteten 6.3 Erdbeben, Anomalien in den Schumann Resonanzen, einer Konjunktion mit … Um 240 n. Chr. Founded by Lucius Munatius Plancus (90 BCE - 15 BCE) around 44-43 BCE, Augusta Raurica is the oldest Roman colony constructed along the Rhine. Fäh D, Huggenberger P (2006) INTERREG III, Erdbebenmikrozonierung am südlichen Oberrhein. Kaiseraugst became part of Switzerland in 1803 after the defeat of the Habsburgs during the Napoleonic Wars. Augusta Raurica, nebo také Colonia Augusta Rauracorum, byla římská kolonie založena Luciusem Munatiusem Plancusem okolo roku 44 př. Augusta Raurica is the best-preserved Roman city north of the Alps that has not been built-over in medieval or modern times. Year: 2006. Augusta Raurica - Bauschaden - Burg - Erdbeben - Konservierung - Mauerwerk - Ruinen - Zerfall - Zerstörung. Apart from this fragmentary reference, the first certain witness to the use of the name Augustus comes from the geographer Ptolemy in the Ancient Greek form Augústa Rauríkon (lat. Hess, Hendrik. The excavation site and the late Roman castle, the Castrum Rauracense, are listed as heritage sites of national significance, as are the early Christian baptisterium and the brick kiln at Liebrüti.[1]. CD and Report (in german; available from the authors) Google Scholar. Nachweislich wesentlich älter als Rheinfelden ist die römische Siedlung Augusta Raurica zwischen Basel und Rheinfelden. These three Augustae form the corners of a triangle that reaches across the alpine conquests of Augustus, the long base of which form the Rhine knee to the Danube formed the frontier against unconquered Germania. A fragmentary inscription from the Augustinian period speaks of the Colonia P[aterna] (?) The total area of the colony was around 700 km2. London; New York: Routledge, 2019. Bereits um 250 hat sich möglicherweise bei der römischen Siedlung Augusta Raurica ein grosses Beben ereignet. Accompanied. During excavations it was determined that the city was founded on a high plateau just south of the Rhine river. ), Haupt Verlag, Bern, ISBN 978-3-258-07380-4, 21-25. Schatzmann R (2006) Ein Erdbeben? GeoWFS BL Der GeoWFS BL ist der WFS-Dienst des Kantons Basel-Landschaft. Augusta Raurica - Spuren eines Erdbebens in der Mitte des 3. - Die Koloniestadt Augusta Raurica als Fallbeispiel. - Die Koloniestadt Augusta Raurica als Fallbeispiel. Engelsburg News für den 7. Ein Erdbeben? Jahrhunderts . ─ Augusta Raurica - Durch ein Erdbeben zerstört? In der Spätantike wurde die Schweiz, ausgehend von den städtischen Zentren, christianisiert. It is estimated that the population reached approximately 20,000 people. Kontakt. The Roman city Augusta Raurica is located East of Basel, Switzerland. Ripperger, J., Kästli, P., Fäh, D., Giardini, D. (2009). Augusta Rauricorum). Das Erdbeben, das sich am 18. Augusta Raurica. In 1833, Augst became part of the Canton of Basel-Land. The inscription on Munatius Plancus' grave merely states the name of the colony as Colonia Raurica. Augusta Raurica is a Roman archaeological site and an open-air museum in Switzerland located on the south bank of the Rhine river about 20 km east of Basel near the villages of Augst and Kaiseraugst. [Felix] (?) Augusta Raurica in a nutshell; Guided tours for families; The villa of René Clavel; Workshops. You can find out more about exciting research projects, excavations and conservation. ... Augusta Raurica, Vindonissa , Colonia Iulia Equestris und Forum Claudii Vallensium . 2018: Huggenberger, P., Affolter, A. Ein Erdbeben? Two small rivers, the Ergolz and Violen, have carved a triangle in the plateau, the base of which is about 1 kilometer wide along the base of the Jura Mountains, and the apex points northward toward the Rhine, about 1 kilometer from the base. Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst 30(2009):291–305 Google Scholar. Die Frage nach dem Ersten in Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaft. In 250 AD, a powerful earthquake damaged a large part of the city. Herne: Mainz am Rhein : Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media Caspari, Gino (2018). M[unatia] (?) The streets were laid on a solid bed of gravel and flanked by gutters on both sides. Augusta Raurica is a Roman archaeological site and an open-air museum in Switzerland located on the south bank of the Rhine river about 20 km east of Basel near the villages of Augst and Kaiseraugst. Publisher: Schweizerischer Burgenverein. This treasure hoard was found in the fortress in 1961–1962, and it is presumed to have once been the property of a commander. (2006). It is the site of the oldest known Roman colony on the Rhine. This would indicate that the colony reached over the Bözberg toward Frick, with the Thiersteinberg below Frick forming the eastern boundary. Julia Augusta: images of Rome’s first empress on the coins of the Roman Empire. Successful colonization of the site had to wait for Augustus' conquest of the central Alps around 15 BC. Augusta Raurica is a Roman archaeological site and an open-air museum in Switzerland located on the south bank of the Rhine river about 20 km east of Basel near the villages of Augst and Kaiseraugst. Augusta Raurica played an important role in Augustus' plans of conquest with two other colonies that bear his name: Augusta Praetoria (modern Aosta at the southern end of the Great Saint Bernard Pass) and Augusta Vindelicum (modern Augsburg, an outpost on the Danube). (2018): Grundwassermodell Industriegebiet Pratteln; Modellbeschreibung und Szenarienberechnung. Find out more about all the different adventures that await you here! No archaeological evidence from this period has yet been found, leading to the conclusion that, either the settlement of the colony was disturbed by the civil war following the death of Julius Caesar, or that Plancus' colony was actually in the area of modern Basel, not Augst. 0 in the past 12 months, 5 Citations in Web of Science ® Augusta Raurica – Spuren eines Erdbebens in der Mitte des 3. Jh. Shortly after, around 260 AD, Alemanni tribes and/or marauding Roman troops destroyed the city. Posted by switzerlandtrip. ISBN 9781472478689. Jahrhundert n. Chr. [Apolli]naris [Augusta E]merita [Raur]ica (letters in brackets are reconstructions). Mittelalter - Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Burgenvereins / Moyen age / Medioevo / Temp medieval, 11(3), pp. Augusta Raurica prospered between the 1st and 3rd centuries, and exported smoked pork and bacon to other parts of the Roman Empire. The oldest find to date at Augusta Raurica has been dated to 6 BC by dendrochronology. An dieser Stelle liegen heute die Gemeinden Augst, welche zum Kanton Basel-L… Sie wurde unter Kaiser Augustus um 15 v. Chr. The city possessed the typical amenities of a Roman city, an amphitheatre, a main forum, several smaller forums, an aqueduct, a variety of temples, several public baths and the largest Roman theatre north of the Alps, with 8,000 to 10,000 seats.